
We are Hunting in Poland

Our history

Since 2014 we organize Hunting in Poland and with more than 20 years of experience, we can deliver you an unforgettable experience..

You can go hunting for wild boar, deer, ree & deer.

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Our mission

A world where everything is about huntng experience and friendship.

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Our passion

For us, hunting is not a sport or a hobby, for us hunting is a passion and a lifestyle..

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Jagen in Polen

Contact us

Free and non-binding

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Why choose us ?


We shine through knowledge.


We shine with years of professional experience.


Thanks to our advanced hunting proficiency we can provide you with the experience you dream of.

Who are we?

Who is Hunting in Poland ?

We possess the necessary experience in hunting.

Who are we ?

Who are we ?

We zijn erg gedreven jagers die onze passie, ervaring & kennis graag met u willen delen. Welke vraag ook, stel ze gerust, we zullen proberen te helpen waar kan!

What do we do ?

What do we do ?

Jacht in Polen, uw partner voor jachtgerelateerde events, jachtdagen en jachtreizen. Ons aanbod aan jachtreizen is niet uitgebreid maar wij streven eerder naar kwaliteit in plaats van kwantiteit.

And why ?

And why ?

Heel eenvoudig, bij de door ons georganiseerde events, jachtdagen en jachtreizen streven we naar absolute kwaliteit, niettegenstaande dat jacht onvoorspelbaar is en jagen, jagen moet blijven!

Make an appointment

Make an appointment


Stay updated

New website

We present our new website.


Check out our media section.


We added a new section - prices.

Who are we ?

Do you want more information about who we are and what we do ?
